Sharing Jesus in July

Sharing Jesus in July
By Kevin Bonnar
July was a great month for camps and events for us!  We had our first camp ever at the Whitehall/Pigeon Rod and Gun Club in Wisconsin this year.  Teaming up with Kevin and Leah Kubis for this event and it went great!  One highlight of the night was when a young lady fishing off the dock pulled in a monster snapping turtle!!  We also had an impromptu military fly over while on the archery range.  Was a beautiful summer night and after all the fun we shared the Gospel message with all.
Next up we traveled to Roscommon, MI to team up with our good friend Micheal Ritchie and some really amazing Centershot Ministry Archery teams to hold a two day camp at Bambi Lake Retreat and Conference Center. On Friday night we tore it up Kicking Bear style with loads of fun and several trips down the “booyah” water slide!  We gathered by the fire that night and God put it on my heart to speak of the narrow and wide roads and the importance of being on the right road in our lives, the road that leads to salvation, to Heaven!  We closed out Friday night with fireworks over Bambi Lake.  On Saturday the Centershot teams hosted an archery tournament for kids and adults.  The sounds and sights of over 60 archers all shooting at once is really awesome.  The competition was fierce and also really fun.  We closed out the weekend by joining the church service at Roscommon Baptist Church and had a wonderful time of worship with a beautiful church body.
Ray and Krysta were able to travel to the Whitetail Properties Real Estate’s annual meeting this year.  Ray was asked to share his testimony and the Gospel with over 500 agents from all across the US. The agents were so supportive of the mission of Kicking Bear and so many have stepped up to help us “fuel the mission” and move the ministry forward with new camps and opportunities.  Thankful.
Our last camp of the month was our home camp located at Maple Grove Venues in West Salem, WI.  This one feels like a family reunion every year and this year was no different.  We love teaming up with so many areaa churches and organizations for this camp.  The ladies at Teen Challenge of Western Wisconsin helped us pack over 500 goody bags for kids, we had 6 different churches step up with volunteers, our friends from Child Evangelism Fellowship brought out their Good News trailer, the Parcher family supplied a cotton candy machine and good friends Emma Ann and Sumner Smith led worship.  All of this under the leadership of Chad and Tammy Dutton who champion this camp.  The grounds at MGV is perfect for camp and the weather this year was amazing.  Families had fun with all the activities including our giant slip and slide and getting to cast fishing poles off the boat, slinging arrows at the bowfishing station, a tough course like no other and more!  The highlight of this camp is the huge bonfire we give the Gospel message in front of and baptisms to end camp.  Really thankful and blessed.
Kicking Bear’s camps are FUN and FREE!  Did you know that for 25 years, all camps and events have been completely free of cost for all participants?!!  We don’t want finances to be a barrier to block kids from hearing about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Camps cost approximately $7,500 or $50 per child.  Would you consider providing the funds needed for a camp or for a few kids to attend free of cost?   If God is prompting you to give please, give here :
Kicking Bear is seeking to continue to live out James 1:27 and we are asking for your support to continue to do so.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 

Kicking Bear is so very thankful for another great year of camps, hunts and mentorship, thank you Jesus!!

Kicking Bear Ministry has been taking youth off the streets and changing their lives for over 20 years God has allowed us to keep His camps and outings completely free-of-charge to all participants due to the great partners He has brought to the ministry. Under the direction of God Kicking Bear has changed the lives of thousands of kiddos and their families!  Thank you for your prayers, partnership and support.

We are able to continue to host free events to the public and change the lives of the ones who need us most because of the continued financial support of people like you. Please consider either a one-time, tax deductible, year-end gift or a monthly recurring donation by clicking the “Support Us” button.

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