Kicking Bear Impact


Hello Ray,
I saw your show on O.L.N. today and your quest for mentors definately caught my attention. My name is Zane and I presently live in Tallahassee,FL. , I am planning to move back to Valdosta,GA. I have had alot of past experience in archery, my high school wrestling coach was Jim Landrum. I believe Jim is still actively participating with P.S.E. as a field staff member. I worked through high school at the local sporting goods store in Valdosta, I ran the archery department during my three years of being employed at the sporting goods store. I am a thirty-five years old single male with no kids, but I love spending time with kids. I would consider it an honor to be a part of your program and would like to find out more about becoming a mentor in your program. I would like to say that I consider you a wonderful person for what you have done for the kids.

Zane C.

Hey Ray!
How are you doing? I’m fine. I just wanted to thank you for making me shoot archery. thought that it was a lot of fun. And I know that at first I didn’t want to do it but now that I have done it I want to do it again. At first I didn’t want to do it because I have never shot a bow before and I was kind of scared to do it too. I also wanted to thank you for signing my t-shirt and for signing my hat and for giving me that prize. I told my Mom that I was going to buy myself a bow and start shooting archery because I think it’s really fun. And I’m going to get my license and go hunting with my uncle Troy because he bowhunts. Well, I have to go. Oh wait I might go to the next camp in La Crosse in August. My mom said that I might be able to go it just depends. I’m also going to bring a friend too. Well, I well talk to you later.

Daisy P.

Ray & Karen,

Thank you for providing our children an experience that they will never forget. They learned a lot and had an enormous amount of fun. I am sending you a copy of a picture taken this spring. It was taken in northern Minnesota. The boys thought that you would like it. Thanks again.

Don, Kathy, Zac, Tony B.

Mr. Howell,
I just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks again for hosting a Kicking Bear camp in our area. My boys love it as well as myself and also a friend of theirs who we brought along. His family is not into the outdoors that much, but I hear his unlce is. Anyway, I guess he went home, watched the videos he won, and told his dad that he needed to buy him a bow. He is very excited, and I am looking forward to mentoring him. Thanks not only making this possible for him, but for me as well. Looking forward to hearing from you. In Him, Sean R.

Sean R.

Hi Ray,
I was watching one of my favorite channels on tv saturday morning, and Gander Mountains “We live outdoors” came on. It was about you and your Kicking Bear camp. Your accomplishments and what you did with them are great for the kids and awesome for our sport. I thought ” What a great man”. Then you said the first one was at Tomah Wi. I knew I needed to find out more about the camp. The program stated you need mentors, and I would like to find out what needs to be done to volunteer. When I was younger, my parents were involved with foster care. There was alot of challenges with that task. Both heartbreak and success, but all was worth the time and effort. When you really get through to the child, well it makes it all worth while. Please send me any information you can. thanks in advance, Robert R.

P.S. The sport, and the world need more people like you. It truly is all about the children.

Robert R.

Hello Ray
I saw the show about your program on “We Live Outdoors – Gander Mountain” on OLN. I was very impressed and very interested in your work with young people. I am a special education teacher for middle school students in Macon, Georgia and am an avid hunter. I have worked with at-rsik youth most of my professional life, and have always had a desire to combine my work with youth with my love for hunting and the outdoors. I would love the opportunity to learn more about your program and get a more in-depth understanding of it. Also, if there is ever the ooportunity for you to bring your program to Georgia, I would be greatly honored to be able to assist with it. If there is any literature regarding your program, I would be greatly appreciative if you send me a copy. Thank-you for your time and attention to this letter. Best wishes to you, your family, and all those working with children for a happy and safe holiday season. Sincerely, David J.

David J.

Hello Kicking Bear,

I can’t begin to say enough about the Kicking Bear One on One Program. My son attended with a mentor from our Church. He was at the campout at Deerassic Park in Cambridge Ohio. My husband left when my son was only 6 mos. old. Fortunately, we have found a Church where the leadership takes an interest in our family. I was asked if I thought my son would enjoy the campout based on the newspaper article. I said that would be wonderful! The fact that it was a campout was an added bonus. Both the mentor and my son came back talking non-stop and showing pictures and excited about all they had learned and done. The program was definitely a blessing to both of them, and I can’t thank you enough for providing this opportunity. As a single parent, I can’t afford, nor do I have the resources to give my son this kind of experience. I am so glad the mentor from church saw the article and took my son. Thank you for the good work you do and may God bless you richly for the lives you are touching in so many ways. God Bless! 

Tracy B

a mutual friend, Doug M., directed me to your site. He has been telling me about your exciting program for young people. He said that he had mentioned our name to you as a possibility to work with you in the future of the kicking bear program. I would love to hear about your vision for the program and see if there is a way that I can help. I travel in full-time evangelism and have a passion to help young people and adults alike come to the knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ. It would be a thrill to be able to share Christ with the young people you are ministering to. I thought I would contact you by way of email and then if need be talk to you in person in the future. Anyway I will be praying for your events through this program and look forward to hearing from you if you wish. God Bless, Mike H.

Mike H.

Hi Ray,
I just watched a show about you on T.V. I was so impressed with what you are doing I just had to write. I just recently moved to Ohio from Alaska.(Originally from Texas). I was there for 10 years working for a Cargo Airline. We flew from Anchorage to the western part of Alaska. I saw some beautiful trophies shipped in. My Son is an assistant hunting guide in Alaska. I bought my 11 year old son a bow 5 years ago. It has helped him get through a nasty custody battle( Still ongoing). When he gets upset he goes and gets his bow and shoots and shoots! I know firsthand what this can do for a child. What I would like to know, is there anyway that we can help out? If so please let us know. God Bless you for what you are doing with these children.

Debra D.

Mr. Howell
I wanted to take a minute to sincerely “Thank” you and your wife, for all that you do. I brought my 15 yr old son to the Kicking Bear @ Deerassic Park. It was a wonderful day, and we both had a great time. He has expressed great interest in bow shooting, and we’ve set some goals to get him a bow and start taking lessons from his uncles’, Eddie, Joe and Jim. He refused to believe his uncles’ “or me” in the past, as to how much fun he could have “doing good” . Your program showed him otherwise! (don’t know why he never believed us)’s a fresh start, that’s all I ever asked for. Please let me know if I can do anything for your organization. I’m not a hunter, don’t own a bow….yet, but I’ll do what I can. I will be back next year with even more kids!!!! Till then keep in touch, be safe, and God bless America!!! Sincerely, Jeffrey E.

Jeffrey E.

Ray, Hi.
I was watching you’re program last night on Gander Mountain Outdoors and was really impressed on the ethics and interests that you teach kids. I think in today’s world that it is very important to teach kids positive things that they can enjoy for a lifetime. In closing, I’m interested in seeing how I can get involved with you’re program. Please forward any literature or emails to me. Thanks.

Ray L.