Kicking Bear – WI Youth Hunt Workday #2
Kicking Bear mentors will be getting together to complete set-up and preparation for the WI Youth Deer Hunt Weekend!
Our events include campouts, shoots, and other events and are a great way to introduce youth to the outdoors and to the sport of archery. The program’s mission is to help underprivileged and at-risk youth, or any youth, who wants to get into the outdoors. Kicking Bear events are free to everyone who wishes to participate. By encouraging others to reach outside their homes, we can help break the cycle and put dreams in these kids’ hearts that will change not only their lives, but their families’ lives to come.
Kicking Bear mentors will be getting together to complete set-up and preparation for the WI Youth Deer Hunt Weekend!
Join us at Hunt Camp for a weekend full of fun, laughs, harvests, and more! Nothing beats a Kicking Bear Hunt Camp!!
Join us at New Hope Fellowship in Sparta from 6-8pm for a special message and Wild Game Potluck!
Join us at New Hope Fellowship in Onalaska from 10am-12pm for a special message and Wild Game Potluck!
Join us at Hunt Camp in Minnesota for a fun-filled weekend and tons of memories!
Volunteer Sign-Up ReleaseOfLiabiltyWaiver PhotoVideoRelease