Mentorship Dinner
By Kevin Bonnar
We gathered at Olivet Church in La Crosse, WI last month to celebrate our mentorship program and also to recruit new mentors and mentees. We started out the night with Ray sharing the heart of Kicking Bear mentoring and the history of how God has changed lives for the past 25 years by matching up interested kiddos with a Godly man or woman willing to take these kids on amazing outdoor adventures. Then we shared this video with KB moms sharing the impact that mentoring has had in their family’s lives: Kicking Bear Moms. Was really cool to hear of the impact! Next, we walked through our highlights of last year including our turkey, bear, squirrel and deer hunts, along with kayaking, fishing, and many more outdoor memories made by mentors and mentees. To close out the night we honored our current mentors and were very thankful to be able to give them a gift of thanks for all they do to move the mission of Kicking Bear forward and to help kids chase dreams and know that God has a purpose for their life and that purpose is for good!
If you are interested in our mentoring program please reach out to Pastor Also, we have created a new monthly mentor doc that we are sharing with our team, it is uploaded to the website each month and maybe you will find it useful too, check it out here: Making Tracks.
We would like to thank Silver Stag Knives and Advertising Concepts for helping us create gifts of thanks and appreciation for our mentors!
Community Impact
Last month 400+ men attended a wild game dinner in Bark River, Michigan. Ray was blessed to be their keynote speaker. Dean Hulce from God’s Great Outdoors and the leaders from Bark River Bible Church host this annual event, where they invite unchurched men in for an evening of entertainment, amazing spread of wild game dishes, hunting gifts and an invitation to accept God’s free gift of eternal life. It was incredible! Ray’s favorite dish was the bighorn sheep meatloaf!
We witnessed God move in an incredible way with this event. God is amazing!