Caledonia, MN Camp
By Kevin Bonnar
The weekend after the banquet we were ready to get the summer camps going! We had our first camp of the season at the high school in Caledonia, MN. Our good friend Shane helped set everything up and the football team really stepped up big to help out too. This camp was extra special as we honored young April Meyer who went to heaven this spring. Being able to spend the day with her family and friends was a great reminder of how God calls us together to be a family and help each other through tough times. We had an amazing day in Caledonia.
Braymer, MO Camp
By Kevin Bonnar
On Memorial Day weekend our annual Braymer, MO camp was held. Great friend of Kicking Bear Larry Shoe and his family do an amazing job hosting this camp and this year was awesome! From fireworks, to trap shooting, archery, fishing and water balloons this camp is such an awesome way for families to kick of the summer each year!
Kicking Bear’s camps are FUN and FREE! Did you know that for 25 years, all camps and events have been completely free of cost for all participants?!! We don’t want finances to be a barrier to block kids from hearing about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Camps cost approximately $7,500 or $50 per child. Would you consider providing the funds needed for a camp or for a few kids to attend free of cost? If God is prompting you to give please, give here :
Kicking Bear is seeking to continue to live out James 1:27 and we are asking for your support to continue to do so.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 NIV